European Women’s Lobby: ‘Lights for Rights’ – Women’s rights are human rights – Brussels grassroots coalition event to stand in solidarity with those marching in Washington

20 January, 17:00 | Place de la Monnaie, Brussels

On January 20, at the same hour as the US Presidential inauguration, an anticipated 1,000-plus people will light a candle in Place de la Monnaie. Their message is that women’s rights are human rights; they are to be protected and upheld.

The event, ‘Lights for Rights’, is being organised by a multicultural grassroots coalition of women in the Brussels area who seek to counter the rise of the far right agenda – be it in Europe, the U.S. or beyond. Anyone who shares the coalition’s message of peaceful activism in solidarity with those fighting for women’s rights and social justice around the world is encouraged to join them in Place de la Monnaie.

‘Lights for Rights’ is in solidarity with the Women’s March in Washington. In addition to the lighting of candles, there will be short remarks by activists and musical performances by local artists, including Bai Kamara Jr. and the Latin percussion group Famba.

More information:
Emma Woodford +32 474 193 554
Reah Bravo +32 476 621 908