Invitation to lunch screening and debate on undocumented migrants

You are invited to the next lunch debate and screening of “UNDOCUMENTARY” a web-doc produced by our member PICUM – The Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants.

The event will take place on Tuesday, March 26 (12:30-14:00) at Social Platform premises, square de Meeus 18. Drinks will be offered and you are invited to come with your own lunch. THE TOPIC: Undocumentary – The Reality of Undocumented Migrants in Europe Undocumentary is a web documentary on the daily realities faced by undocumented migrants living in Europe. PICUM travelled to Almeria (Spain), Nicosia (Cyprus), Milan (Italy), Paris (France), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Brussels (Belgium) and Gothenburg (Sweden) to gather the stories of those on the frontline, including irregular migrants, migrants’ rights defenders, professionals and public authorities.

The documentary is divided into five chapters: Criminalisation, Access to Health Care, Fair Working Conditions, Access to Justice for Undocumented Women and Access to Education and Housing for Undocumented Children. Through a wide range of multimedia tools – video, photographic, text and info graphic – it offers the viewer the possibility to acquire a comprehensive understanding of each thematic topic. PRESENTED BY: PICUM Team The web documentary will be presented by Kadri Soova, Advocacy Officer, Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion, and Elisabeth Schmidt-Hieber, Communications Officer at PICUM.

PICUM – The Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants promotes respect for the human rights of undocumented migrants within Europe. PICUM provides a direct link between the grassroots level, where undocumented migrants’ experience is most visible, and the European level, where policies relating to them are deliberated. TO REGISTER: please fill in the Doodle with your name and organisation