Caritas Europa: Rome Treaty Anniversary – Caritas Europa won’t give up on Europe!

Caritas Europa is strongly committed to the European project that the founding fathers devised in the aftermath of World War II. Inspired by their Christian values, the founders established an unprecedented space of peace, freedom and socio-economic development. 60 years after the signing of the Treaty of Rome, there is no doubt that Europe is a much better place today.

Against the populist messages of exclusion, alienation and despair that are spreading across the continent, Caritas Europa chooses dialogue, encounter and hope. Based on the life-stories witnessed through its actions with people in need across Europe, Caritas Europa advocates enhancing the social dimension of Europe to build a Europe that is truly close to and cherished by its citizens.

“To gain people’s trust, Member States and EU Institutions must undergo a paradigm shift and stop walking the path of growth at the expense of social rights. We cannot build a blossoming society in a social graveyard,” said Msgr. Luc Van Looy, President of Caritas Europa.

The Treaty of Rome was the beginning of a powerful and meaningful project. Caritas Europa is committed to this project and urges European heads of states and governments, and heads of the European institutions to show great sense of responsibility and steer Europe back to its founding values.

Full article.