COFACE Families Europe: A fresh new start for COFACE Families Europe in 2016!

For COFACE Families Europe, 2016 was the year of “New policies for 21st century families”. While reading COFACE’s annual report 2016, you will discover the great variety of activities it was involved in: digitalisation and the future of work, disability, social rights and work-life balance, financial inclusion, among many others.

Our 2016 annual report highlights COFACE’s main contribution to EU policies and legislation as well as our expertise and ability to build bridges across sectors. In 2016 COFACE worked in close collaboration with high-level stakeholders to shape the future through participation in a large number of events and initiatives all around Europe and beyond (Mexico and the United States). Last, but not least, 2016 marks the beginning of a new era with the launch of a rebranded name, a new logo, a visual identity, a new website and a new slogan: Better society for all families.

Download the Annual report 2016 of COFACE Families Europe here.

Full article.