Caritas Europa: Statement following yesterday’s events in Barcelona

Following the devastating events of yesterday, Caritas Europa expresses its heartfelt concern for the people in Barcelona and other towns and villages of Catalonia and Spain. It mourns the unnecessary loss of lives and hope for the prompt recovery of the injured. It shares in the suffering of families, friends and communities who have lost a beloved one.

At the same time, Caritas Europa wants to remember and mourn the victims of all previous attacks and of all on-going crises, in particular all the “invisible” victims of terror the world over.

It would like to make a special mention in honour of all the Good Samaritans: professionals, volunteers and lay people who readily, selflessly and tenderly assisted and cared for the victims of violence yesterday. The Good Samaritans who will also be present today and tomorrow. The comfort given by their presence is invaluable to many. Let us take example of them and remember that, as Pope Francis said: “we all need each other […] and we can only build the future by standing together, including everyone”.

We must work together to allow each and every one of us to live in peace and dignity. Heeding the words of Pope Francis, we must embark on a “revolution of tenderness” and use this “path of solidarity” to overcome the heinous challenges we face today. “Everyone can be an artisan of peace ”.

Full article.