Volonteurope: Promoting youth rights

Presented during Volonteurope’s last annual conference, the report ‘Pathways to rights: empowering young Europeans’, has been an opportunity to showcase some of the amazing work of its members.

It invites readers to think about the current state of youth rights in Europe and how this can be improved with the help of civil society organisations (CSOs). It also explores the challenges faced by European societies to achieving social rights.

The report, written by Laura de Bonfils and Louise King, starts by presenting the human rights frameworks, offering then the current situation of youth rights in Europe; and then highlighting the work of nine CSOs: Mondo (Estonia); Roma Education Fund (Romania); Emfasis Foundation (Greece); Yeesi (Finland); Volunteering Matters (United Kingdom); PRCBC (United Kingdom); Partnerë për Fëmijët (Albania); LGL (Lithuania) and CATAPA (Belgium). All these civil society organisations support young people with opportunities to contribute to their community, helping others or being empowered to access a specific right.

Read the full report.

Full article.