AGE Platform Europe: Honoured today – Winning Silver Economy solutions supporting talents, contributions and participation of older persons in society

Today [3 May] the first edition of the European Silver Economy Awards celebrates its winners with the patronage of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Markku Markkula, First Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions, hosting the ceremony.

In the previous event, held in October in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities, Markku Markkula called for a bottom-up strategy for the European Silver Economy “that can only be achieved by creating synergies among European stakeholders”. This is why today the award organisers convene key speakers and participants to discuss the current challenges and opportunities of the Silver Economy.

The Silver Economy Awards Ceremony will be the opportunity to celebrate the 9 finalists from the three different categories (type of organisation). They have been selected among 95 applications coming from 22 countries. Jury members from all over Europe were involved in a three-step evaluation process to identify these finalists, listed below:

Public Authorities
The Project DokkX – Aarhus Municipality (Denmark)
The Generic Telemedicine Platform – Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
Living with dementia, support for informal caretakers – City of Helmond (The Netherlands)

Non-for Profit Organisations
GoLive Solutions – Fraunhofer Institute Portugal (Portugal)
Procurement of comprehensive treatment – Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau (Spain)
Optimal freedom for demented persons – Tante Louise (The Netherlands)

For Profit Organisations
The smart baseboards – nevisQ (Germany)
RAY Accessible Smartphone solutions – Project Ray (Israel)
Hunova: the new era of rehabilitation – Movendo technology (Italy)

Interaction is key on this very special day. The audience, on-site and at a distance, will be actively involved in the dialogue around Silver Economy and the winning solutions. This is the day to draw attention to the potential of this part of Europe’s economy!

Curious? Follow the awards on Twitter at #SilverCeremony2018 or on the live stream.

Full article.