Social Platform joins ‘No Hate’ Appeal

For an EU election campaign free from intolerance and discrimination

Hate speech and divise rethoric…

  • Threaten our human rights

Exaggerating differences between people treats certain groups as scapegoats for various societal problems. This undermines attempts to find genuine solutions to actual issues, representing a threat not only to the mental and physical health of victims, but also to human rights across Europe. Consistently, it comes primarily at the expense of those most vulnerable in any population – people marginalised and excluded due to their origin, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics or migration status.

  • Legitimise hateful actions

This creates space for the spread of intolerance and discrimination, leading invariably to violence.

  • Election candidates must fight it. The 2019 European Parliament elections will take place at an uncertain time for our democracy, with messages of hate and divisiveness pervading politics across the European Union.

Be part of the solution

The undersigned organisations call on MEP candidates, their teams, the members in their parties as well as the media to commit to promoting the strengthening of the rights of all people in Europe, and to fostering inclusion and understanding. This includes:

  • Refusing to publish, display or endorse any campaign materials or statements that may incite discrimination, prejudice or hatred on any grounds
  • Using inclusive language in order to avoid creating prejudice or stigmatisation
  • Contributing to debates around the issues experienced by marginalised groups in a responsible way that respects the dignity and rights of the members of these communities
  • Refusing to publish, display or endorse any campaign materials or statements instigating hostility between different communities, including between different minority communities
  • Holding accountable those actors who actively engage in or enable the perpetration of hate