The Social Pillar turns 2!

17 November 2019 marked the second anniversary of the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (Social Pillar) by the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the European Union at the Social Summit in Gothenburg.

Implementation of the Social Pillar is now underway, with directives on transparent and predictable working conditions and work-life balance adopted, and nearly half of the European Semester’s country-specific recommendations related to social priorities. However, much more needs to be done to move forward on all twenty principles – particularly those in chapter three, ‘Social protection and inclusion’ – and the von der Leyen Commission’s commitment to creating an action plan on the Social Pillar is a window of opportunity.

Social Platform is recognised as a key interlocutor on the Social Pillar, having been regularly invited to high-level events to present civil society’s views. Thanks to the extensive expertise of our diverse membership, we ran a two-week social media campaign to look at each Social Pillar principle in turn and highlight how much more needs to be done to reduce existing inequalities and achieve the objectives of these principles. To accompany the campaign, we launched a series of visuals to represent what is at the heart of each one. You can view them all here, and see the campaign posts on our Twitter page here  or by searching #SocialPillar.

We look forward to continuing to advocate for the full implementation of the Social Pillar and will work closely with the incoming European Commission to ensure that all steps are taken to achieve an EU that leaves no one behind.