Will this year’s Country Specific Recommendations put the EU back on track with the Europe 2020 Strategy?

On May 29, the European Commission published its proposals for the 2013 Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs). It is the third cycle of recommendations given to the member states since the start of the Europe 2020 Strategy in 2010. After a debate of the proposals in the different Council formations, including EPSCO and ECOFIN, the EU Council will endorse the CSRs at the end of June. Our members are now busy analysing the proposals from their point of view and together we will prepare a first position for the different Council meetings this month.

A big question about this year's Recommendations is if they will be able to re-balance the financial and economic side of the EU and member states with a stronger social dimension, and put the EU back on track with the Europe 2020 Strategy goals, in particular in view of reaching its poverty, employment and education objectives.