Social Platform’s Networking visit and conference in Lithuania

In view of the upcoming Lithuanian EU Presidency, Social Platform held a Networking Visit and conference in Vilnius on May 22-24 2013, which gathered representatives from the Lithuanian government, research institutes, and European-level and Lithuanian social NGOs.

The objective of the visit was to discuss the social priorities for the Lithuanian presidency – from July to December 2013, and to build alliances between European and Lithuanian CSOs in order to join forces towards the upcoming Presidency.

Here you can check the photos from the conference and networking visit.

Below you can read the transcripts from the interventions and discussions at the conference:

Lithuanian Presidency EU social priorities:

  • Key-note speech by Mrs Algimanta Pabedinskienė, Minister of Social Security and Labour


Social Platform and civil society organisations priorities – European and Lithuanian perspectives:

Social protection and investment:

Active inclusion:

  • Vaidotas Ilgius, Board member, European Anti-Poverty Network Lithuania

Youth Guarantee:

  • Loreta Senkutė, President, LiJOT – Lithuanian Youth Council

Maternity leave Directive:

Jobs in the white sector and role of social services:

Anti-Discrimination Directive:


How can we ensure that EU social priorities are developed and implemented during the Lithuanian Presidency?

Networking World Café session:


 Articles on the networking visit:

European level:

  • By Pierre Baussand, Social Platform Director
  • By Zoltán Massay-Kosubek, Policy Coordinator, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
  • By Catherine Mallet, Eurodiaconia

Lithuanian press:

  • By Minister of Social Security and Labour
  • By Lithuanian EU Presidency –
  • By : "Lithuania calls Europe to raise poverty and social exclusion"
  • By JPSS – Jonavos Trade Unions
  • By LPJ – Lithuanian Trade Union Youth Association – LPSK Youth
  • By PDPS – Prekybos darbuotojų profesinė sąjunga (Commercial workers' union)