AGE Platform Europe: Green Paper on Ageing – There is no solidarity without equality!

A year since COVID-19 hit Europe, AGE urges the European Commission to elaborate an ‘Age Equality Strategy’. Such a strategy would provide a fair frame for all generations to be fully part of the future of Europe.

The pandemic highlighted age discrimination and its detrimental impact on dignity in older age. A recent report from the United Nations confirms that ageism prevents society from taking full advantage of people’s talents because they are considered too young or too old.

As a concrete response to combat ageism, a European Age Equality Strategy will:

  • Address age discrimination and inequalities in various areas and across the whole life span
  • Assess the impact of EU policies and actions on different age groups
  • Suggest and coordinate policy options paving the way to equal participation and wellbeing for all generations

Our proposal for an EU Age Equality Strategy is at the core of our response to the EU Green Paper on Ageing whose consultation closed on 21 April. It will also be the message that we will state loud and clear as we celebrate the EU Day of Solidarity between Generations next 29 April, and during the debates on the Future of Europe. We say that for generations to live together, we must respect one another as equals in our diversity.

“Since our creation in 2001, AGE has always advocated for solidarity between generations. We have always insisted on combatting inequalities at all stages of life in order to ensure the fulfilment and dignity of older people. Equality is the backbone to solidarity and healthy ageing. The EU must live by it!”, said Maciej Kucharczyk, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe.

Full article.