European Network of Social Integration Enterprises: 2020 – Impact WISEs study results

Since 2015, the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE) with its members has launched the ‘Impact-WISEs’ study in order to measure but also demonstrate the social and economic impact WISEs produce to integrate disadvantaged people into the labour market. You’ll find here our last results and events related to their presentation.

You can find here the results of the 2020 Impact-WISEs study, based on the 2019 data. This year, 11 national and regional WISEs networks from 10 European countries tool part in the study.

In total, the study cover 10 136 disadvantaged workers and show that, after going through the integration pathway, 79% of the disadvantaged workers found a job in the same WISE, in another one or on the traditional labour market.

Full article.