20 October 2022| 10:00 – 16:30| UN House Brussels Blvd. du Regent 37-40, 1000 Brussels – Online

Draft programme

10:00-10:10 Welcome remarks

Mr. Milan Markovic, a.i. UN Human Rights Regional Representative for Europe
Ms. Alva Finn, Secretary General, Social Platform

Session I: Using international human rights law in EU-level advocacy

10:10-10:35 The international human rights law on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Objective: To describe the basis of the international human rights framework concerning ESCRs and provide some examples of human rights in social policies at the international level.

Facilitator: OHCHR RoE/HQs (TBC) Followed by Q&A/discussion

10:35 -11:05 The value of the international human rights system in EU-level advocacy
Objective: To describe and exchange on how the international human rights system can contribute to more efficient and sustainable social policies in Europe that uphold equality and human rights. To discuss about key areas and opportunities for implementing recommendations to the EU made by the Special Rapporteur on Poverty.

Key speaker: Professor Olivier de Schutter, Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.

Followed by Q&A/discussion
Social Platform perspectives: The implementation of the SR’s recommendations on Extreme Poverty and human rights in his visit to the European Union (A/HRC/47/36/Add.1);

Experience in advocating for the rights of the child and the European child guarantee to reduce the number of children at risk of poverty; (TBC).

11:10 – 13:00 The rights to work and to social protection: EU and international standards
Objectives: To present the content of the rights to work and to social protection, including their interpretation by international human rights mechanisms, and to describe and exchange on the differences between EU and international standards related to work and social protection, and how members can use the standards in advocacy.

Co-facilitators: Ms. Irene Wintermayr Policy Officer International Labour Organization (TBC). Ms. Stefania Tripodi, Human Rights Officer OHCHR.

Social Platform perspective: The mechanism of the European Semester; experience of women’s organizations and progress towards closing gender-gaps in access to work and the right to social protection. European Women Lobby (TBC)

13:00 to 14:00 Lunch break  Venue: UN House – Brussels

Session II: The 2030 Sustainable Development agenda and SDGs – Using the international development framework in Europe

2:00 – 04:30 PM SDG’s progress in Europe, the voluntary review and civil society participation
Objective: To outline and exchange on the progress and implementation of the SDGs framework and the process of the voluntary review in 2023.

Co-facilitators: Ms. Alexandra Plesko, Human Rights Officer Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Ms. Laura de Bonfils, Head of Policy and Advocacy Social Platform.

Followed by Q&A/discussion
SDG Watch Europe Perspective: Bernhard Zlanabitnig