Letter to the Heads of State on the MFF: Invest in social cohesion for an inclusive Europe

Social Platform’s recommendations for the EU budget 2014-2020: Invest in social cohesion for an inclusive Europe

On 8th February you will hopefully finalize the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework. Following the latest proposal from the President of the European Council, we are extremely concerned about the intended reduction of the overall amount for the EU Multiannual Financial Framework and the impact this will have on those parts of the budget that deliver.

the most for people. In particular it will affect the cohesion policy, including the European Social Fund. Such reductions will have severe consequences for reaching the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and of the Lisbon Treaty. In view of our concerns, we would like you to integrate the following proposals which would secure a major step towards a more people-centered EU budget.

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