Social investment under the Lithuanian EU Presidency

In Europe unemployment stands at 10.2% (24.5 million people) and poverty is on the rise – 120 million are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Against this backdrop, the Economic Governance of the EU – in trying to respond to the pressure of financial markets – is developing in a way that forces member states to increasingly implement austerity policies without taking into account their social impact.

On May 23, Social Platform will host a conference in Vilnius to discuss how the Lithuanian EU Presidency can address these social challenges when dealing with economic governance, austerity measures and the use of EU funds. Relevant issues such as social protection and investment, active inclusion, the youth guarantee, the anti-discrimination directive, the maternity leave directive, jobs in the white sector and role of social services, will be tackled both from a European and Lithuanian perspective.

The conference will be opened by Mrs Algimanta Pabedinskienė, Minister of Social Security and Labour. Other speakers will include Mr Algirdas Sysas, Deputy Speaker of the Seimas, and representatives of European and Lithuanian civil society organisations, trade unions and institutes.

  •     See the Programme in English and in Lithuanian. The event includes morning conference and afternoon Networking Café interactive discussions. The Lithuanian Minister of Social Security and Labour, Mrs Algimanta Pabedinskiené, has confirmed her attendance as key-note speaker.
  •     See the European networks of CSOs participating. Social Platform will be present with a delegation of 15 representatives from European-level networks of social Civil Society Organisations.
  •     Working languages: English and Lithuanian, with simultaneous interpretation.

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