Keep the Commission’s proposal on reserved contracts in public procurement

Public authorities have the possibility to restrict tendering procedures (so-called “reserved contracts”) to enterprises that pursue the aim of the social and professional integration of persons with disabilities (already possible with the directive in force) and disadvantaged persons (novelty introduced by the Commission in the proposal for the new directive – article 17). This is a very good example of how public procurement can be used to achieve social policy goals.

We are extremely concerned about the proposal from the Council to introduce “reserved contracts” for organisations whose main aim is the integration of former employees of public authorities into the private sector and therefore are calling for the deletion of this paragraph.

The proposal from the Council does not pursue the original aim of reserved contracts, which is the social and professional integration of persons with disabilities and disadvantaged persons and may even create obstacles to the maintenance and development of the social enterprises that help the most excluded and marginalized persons.

Social Platform together with ENSIE (European Network for social integration enterprises) and other 10 European civil society organisations wrote an open letter to the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission asking to delete the paragraph proposed by the Council. Read the full letter.