The Parliament calls for an EU strategy for fighting bias violence and discrimination

On March 14 the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution on strengthening the fight against racism, xenophobia and hate crime. The resolution calls for a comprehensive strategy for fighting hate crime, bias violence and discrimination. In line with Social Platform's position paper 'Towards EU actions against all forms of bias violence' it acknowledges the concept of bias violence 'including characteristics and social status' and it also highlights 'the non-exhaustive grounds listed in Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Parliament calls for, among others:

  •     'Using available funds, including EU funds, while strictly monitoring respect for fundamental rights'
  •     'Support for training programmes for law enforcement and judicial authorities'
  •     'Collection of broader, reliable data on hate crime'
  •     'Mechanisms to be put in place ensuring that bias-motivated offences are punishable'

The Parliament also makes a clear link to the crisis by stating 'whereas the current economic crisis is challenging the principle of solidarity, and whereas the Member States must stay vigilant in times of economic crisis in order to prevent the temptation of growing intolerance and scapegoating'

Read the full resolution here

See also the press release by the European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBT Rights

These are some of Social Platform's recommendations:

  •     Propose EU legislation to explicitly combat all forms of bias violence by means of criminal law, as a result of the evaluation and review of the Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law to be carried out in 2013 by the European Commission. New EU legislative proposals should build on international and European instruments addressing all forms of bias violence;
  •     Systematically assess the expertise developed thanks to the various relevant EU programmes (Daphne, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship for the 2007-2013 MFF; Rights and Citizenship and Justice for the 2014-2020 MFF) conducted with the participation of the relevant civil society organisation;
  •     Mainstream issues relating to all forms of bias violence in all relevant EU policies as part of the mainstreaming of fundamental rights. Combating bias violence should also be mainstreamed in all existing strategies and roadmaps in the area of equality;

Here you can download our complete position paper (PDF)