Make social policies a driver of European economic governance

At the EPSCO Council meeting of February 28, European ministers for employment and social affairs will discuss the Annual Growth Survey (AGS) for 2013 and formulate recommendations towards the EU Spring Council of March.

It is clear that financial and economic governance cannot exist without a strong social pillar. The AGS 2013 does not represent a good basis for such an approach as its focus is clearly on economic growth and it hardly refers to the Europe 2020 social targets on employment, poverty and social exclusion and education.

Member states should promote the coordination of macro-economic policies with the aim of supporting social policies, as the number one priority of the AGS 2013. To this end, the following missing key actions should be taken:

  •     Develop a true and integrated anti-poverty and social inclusion strategy at EU and national level.
  •     Invest in the creation of, access to and progression in quality and sustainable employment.
  •     Invest in services of general interest and social infrastructure, and strengthen social protection.
  •     Invest in equality through the adoption of the Article 19 Equal Treatment Directive.
  •     Ensure a wide inclusive and democratic process to decide upon economic and social priorities.
  •     Mainstream social targets in all other policies and protect social budgets when developing policies to tackle macro-economic imbalances.

You can read our full letter to the EPSCO Council here