MEPs and Social Platform discuss the EU’s social dimension

On Tuesday February 19, we will exchange views with members of the European Parliament on the social dimension of European economic governance during our first bi-annual meeting this year with the Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

At this meeting, we will have a discussion with MEPs on the following topics:

  •     The Annual Growth Survey 2013 and European and National Semester including

                -An integrated European Poverty Strategy and mainstreaming social targets in all other policies
                -Equality as a tool to achieve the EU goals for sustainable, economic and inclusive growth

  •     The Commission proposal for a Social Investment Package
  •     Protection of social budgets in the Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014-2020
  •     Promoting the investment in services of general interest and social entrepreneurship, and the strengthening of social protection including

                -Social Entrepreneurship
                -Access to healthcare
                -Social housing

  •     Investment in the creation of, access to and progression in quality and sustainable employment

Read our position paper on the different topics.