What does the Commission’s social dimension of the EU look like?

The social dimension, I have to say, was almost undetectable in President Barroso’s State of the Union address. The strengthening of the social dimension of the EU was summarised in only one concrete proposal: “a communication on the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) to be expected on the 2nd of October”. 

Currently Commissioner Andor is in charge of this proposal until the official launch, from what we hear:

•    It is designed to put under surveillance employment and social problems in the EMU and to develop indicators for that purpose
•    It should better coordinate employment and social policies
•    Social partners should play a role in addressing social challenges

Its objectives seem to be clear. The issue is how the objectives will be turned into concrete actions for the improvement of people’s lives. Will it have the capability to redress the social crisis in Europe? How will it tackle the social and employment crisis and imbalances in the EU? 

The actions within the proposal will be the subject of intense discussions among member states, including:
•    European unemployment benefit 
•    A scoreboard to monitor key employment and social indicators to be considered in the European Semester
•    Possible binding employment and social standards in the EMU 

As Social Platform, we are waiting to assess whether or not it can create a strong social Europe. However we believe that a truly social Europe cannot be restricted to just the social dimension of the EMU, we need a lot more than that. 

Let’s engage!
Pierre Baussand – Director