SAVE THE DATE: February 14 to join ‘One Billion Rising’ to end violence against women

One of Social Platform’s objective for 2014 is to continue working towards an EU extended legislation on hate crime that covers all forms of bias violence, including violence against women. As part of this work we support the European Women’s Lobby in promoting 2016 as an EU Year to end violence against women.

We therefore encourage all our members and others to save the date of February 14 to join the ONE BILLION RISING 2014 campaign.

Building on the success of the One Billion Rising campaign 2013 the EWL will develop activities to mobilise to Rise for Justice on February 14, 2014. On the day they will organise a festive event with music and celebrities and gather a large public audience. Communication material will be disseminated in advance and we encourage Social Platform members to disseminate it through their social media channels to reach out across Europe. The Lobby will also organise activities during the week of February 14 in the European Parliament. 

In 2013, the EWL and its members across Europe joined One Billion Rising. In Brussels on February 14 more than 800 people filled a square in the very centre of Brussels. Among participants, Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Myria Vassiliadou, MEP Zita Gurmai were active participants. A reception in the Town Hall took place later in the afternoon, where decision-makers repeated their commitment to work towards the elimination of violence against women. Earlier in the day, the EWL also had a flash mob on the song “Stand up! Rise Up!” in the Headquarters of the European Commission joined by Commissioner Füle and the Turkish Minister for women’s rights.
