Spring Alliance launches its Manifesto with the candidates for President of the European Commission

On April 8, 2014, the Spring Alliance will launch its manifesto (A new path for Europe) and host a debate with the candidates for the position of President of the European Commission on how the European Union can put people and the planet at the heart of its policymaking.

The Spring Alliance brings together the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), the civil society alliance fighting for social justice and participatory democracy in Europe (Social Platform) and the European NGO Confederation for relief and development (CONCORD).

The event will take place at the Committee of the Regions, from 14:30 to 17:30, and it will be hosted by the President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Henri Malosse. The agenda will follow.

The Spring Alliance has developed a comprehensive set of policy proposals to be implemented by the next Commission and the next Parliament. The discussion will focus on the 6 key priorities of the Spring Alliance Manifesto for the next European Elections:

  1. Ensure transparency and stronger democratic accountability of the EU institutions towards citizens
  2. Reduce poverty and guarantee universal social protection
  3. Invest into a European Plan that focuses on sustainable jobs which create social value, rather than on financial profits
  4. Significantly reduce Europe’s environmental footprint by putting in place effective policies in the areas of climate, energy efficiency, renewables, biodiversity, air quality, chemicals and waste and product design
  5. Implement a coherent global justice policy: stop resource grabbing, allow other continents to develop themselves and refrain from bilateral trade and investment deals which undermine the protection of public interests
  6. End austerity and implement tax justice

For more information please contact Valentina Caimi