IPPF: European Social Charter ruling against Italy on abortion

The International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network (IPPF EN) lodged a collective complaint against Italy which stated that the weak regulation of health personnel’s conscientious objection violates the right to health protection. On March 7 the Council of Europe's Committee of Social Rights officially announced the ruling in favor of IPPF EN's claim.

The Committee’s decision supports the position held by IPPF EN, LAIGA and the Italian lawyers Marilisa D’ Amico and Benedetta Liberali. They clearly state that conscientious objection cannot stand in the way of women receiving the reproductive healthcare services guaranteed by Italian law. The Italian State is obliged to make sure women get access to abortion services – as and when required.

Read the full press release by IPPF EN

Read also about Social Platform's training on the Council of Europe's Collective complaint mechanism under the European Social Charter (Jan 29, 2014)
