Council, show me your business plan to reduce poverty

Sometimes there is no disagreement between decision makers and us on values and objectives. For example, the European Council agrees that we should reduce the level of poverty in Europe. The Heads of State made it clear in June 2010 that this was one of the five politically binding targets of the “Europe 2020 Strategy”.

Unfortunately, beyond values and objectives, the idealistic relationship between EU leaders and civil society organisations falters when we ask the more practical questions: when and how are we going to reduce poverty?

For us it is clear: our leaders should tackle “now” the unsustainable social situation in the EU.  How? By placing the reduction of poverty and inequalities and the creation of quality employment at the centre of all policies. In terms of governance, this should be done in partnership with civil society when developing, implementing and evaluating anti-poverty policies.

We are asking our leaders to rectify the current situation and to reinstall the social dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy. The poverty and employment targets should be translated into concrete actions, benchmarks and timetables.

Because we want to see a change in reality beyond mere words, we are asking our political leaders to show us a contract in which we can see a calendar of planned deliverables telling us how and when the reduction of poverty and inequalities and creation of quality jobs will happen.

There are high expectations for change in the EU. In all the manifestos passing in front of me for the European Parliament there are requests for change. “A better Europe now” is for instance the call from the Spring Alliance of which Social Platform is a member.

There is a call for change because agreeing on the detrimental consequences of poverty and inequality is not sufficient. We need action. There are many sayings that describe that need such as  “walk the talk”. At Social Platform we have the one below:

Let’s engage!

Pierre Baussand
