Autism Europe: Autism and work. Together we can

In 2014, Autism-Europe members are conducting a campaign to let Europe know about the needs of adults with autism in the field of employment and education.
What are these needs?
  • Education – People with autism need access to lifelong education, adapted to their needs, including post-school education and training;
  • Jobs – Studies show that between 76 and 90 per cent* of adults with autism are currently unemployed; 
  • Unique skills – People with autism can have unique skills that may be harnessed to produce a high quality of work, making them a valuable asset to their employers;
  • Investment – Education, training and employment initiatives for adults with autism are investments that require both public and private investment;
  • Social inclusion – Adults with autism often suffer from social exclusion. Education and employment can enable them to take more active roles in their communities, rather than being dependent on family and social support.