Social Platform Position Paper on Employment


Adopted by the Steering Group on March 27, 2014


  1. Accessible labour markets

Establish at national, regional and local level inclusive labour markets as part of integrated Active Inclusion strategies. Such labour markets should, for all women and men that can work, ensure access to quality employment and jobs, facilitate progressive reintegration into society and the labour market of those of those who are most excluded in particular, and enhance their professional inclusion.

  1. Creation of jobs

Create quality and sustainable jobs, including in the social, health and care services sector and in the social economy. Furthermore, jobs need to be created that are appropriate for people with lower skills and accessible to people most excluded by the labour market.

  1. Quality employment

Invest in quality and sustainable employment to counter the increase of in-work poverty, the gender pay gap, precariousness, poor working conditions and labour market segmentation.

  1. Progression in employment

Provide adequate support for people, in particular to those who are most vulnerable, to progress in employment and ensure that discriminatory practices in the field of employment are fully and effectively prohibited. Reconciliation between work, family and private life should be promoted.

  1. Civil dialogue for employment policies

Involve civil society organisations and the people they represent, in particular unemployed people and people experiencing poverty and/or social exclusion in employment and other related policies and programmes.

Special focus – Employment in the social, health and care sector


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