Engaging in the review of Europe 2020

From May 5 till October 31, the European Commission is organising a public consultation on Europe 2020  ahead of its mid-term review of the Strategy in 2015. Social Platform will also look into the consultation in the context of preparing its own position on the review by the beginning of this summer.

When launching the public consultation, the Commission announced that the contributions will feed into the proposals for the mid-term review that they will present early in 2015. European heads of state and government will then discuss these proposals at the following European Spring Council.

The consultation reflects what was already in the Commission's Communication from March Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Questions include the overall impression of the strategy, the importance of the different targets, and the involvement of stakeholders.

We will look in particular at evaluating what has happened with the EU's commitment to deliver the Europe 2020 headline targets concerning employment and poverty and social exclusion. We will also formulate recommendations on how to improve the Strategy through the mid-term review in order to get the EU back on track to reaching these targets.