Two new members makes 49

Social Platform is pleased to welcome two new members whose membership applications were today accepted at our General Assembly. This brings our total membership numbers to 49. 

ENSIE (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises)  unites national and regional networks of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs). These networks are made up by enterprises of which identifying principles are:

  • The social and professional integration of individuals who due to their exclusion and their relegation to a marginal role in society have fallen victim to increasing social and professional handicaps.
  • Enterprises at the core of the economic system: work integration social enterprises have decided to carry on their activities at the very core of what is most frequently a major factor in the phenomenon of exclusion: the economic system.
  • Enterprises of a strong pedagogical dimension. The work integration social enterprises initiate training and educational programs designed on the basis of existing potential of the target group and develop this individual potential (at professional level and in its participation in society) within the enterprise.

At the moment ENSIE is recognised asa  key EU-level NGOs network active in the promotion of social inclusion and poverty reduction by the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.


EPA (European Parents Association)  reaches out to 150 million European parents through: 

  • Promoting the active involvement of parents at all stages of the education of their children
  • Supporting the advancement of parents' associations in different European countries
  • Supporting the highest possible quality of educational development for all children in Europe
  • Promoting the recognition of parents in their central role as the primary educators of their children
  • Supporting and promoting coordination and cooperation between the various European organisations of parents' associations to exchange experience, views and facilitate common projects drawn up and implemented by these member associations
  • Facilitating reception and dissemination