Possible impacts of TTIP on social and health services

Date: June 17 Time: 14:00 – 16:45 Venue: Social Platform

Social Platform will host a debate on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), jointly organised with SOLIDAR, the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU).

The debate will focus on the possible impacts of TTIP on essential services such as social and health ones. So far we have heard from the Commission that they haven't discussed yet with the US negotiators what will be the treatment of these services. Will they be included, excluded? Will there be exemptions? What are the links between the TTIP and the new public procurement directive that recognises a simplified regime for social, health and other services directly provided to the person?

Registrations are closed as we have reached the full capacity of the meeting room.

An interpretation service EN / FR will be available.

PROGRAMME "TTIP: possible impacts on services of general interest, in particular social and health services"

13:45 Access and Registration

14:00 Welcome

Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR, Secretary General

State of play of the negotiations on services

Marco Düerkop, DG Trade, lead negotiator for Services in the TTIP negotiations

Academic perspective   

Prof. David Price, Centre for Primary Care and Public Health – Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Prof. Jean-Pierre Unger, Institute of Tropical Medecine (ITM), Antwerp

Perspective from civil society 

Emma Woodford, EPHA, Interim Secretary General

Penny Clarke, EPSU, Deputy General Secretary

Michel Mercadié, Social Platform, Member of Management Committee

Debate with the audience

16:45 Concluding remarks

The debate will be followed by a cocktail.