Europe 2020 Strategy recommendations: EU ministers must act now

Ahead of the meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) on October 16, Social Platform has written to European ministers for employment and social affairs calling on them to take swift and far-reaching action on the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 Strategy to put the EU back on track with its social objectives.

Social Platform sent its letter to ministers, urging them to pick up four key recommendations for achieving a Europe 2020 Strategy that realises smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The recommendations include:

1) Advocating for renewed governance of the European Semester, and for concrete actions on Europe 2020’s original priorities

2) Developing cooperation with the Economic and Financial Affairs Council

3) Recognising and reversing rising inequalities across the EU

4) Protecting budget lines devoted to social targets

The meeting will see ministers discuss key messages for the mid-term review, and will adopt conclusions in December. The European Council will take a decision on the mid-term review in Spring 2015.

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