AGE Platform Europe: Older people’s organisations from across the EU call for the adoption of an EU Strategy on Demographic Change

Gathered for their annual general assembly on 2-3 December, AGE Platform Europe’s member organisations called on the new European Parliament, the new European Commission, the European Council and on individual EU member states to adopt an EU Strategy on  emographic Change based on article 25 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, ensuring older people’s rights.

“A comprehensive EU strategy on Demographic Change would enable the integration and coordination of policies at all levels and in all relevant sectors in order to support the creation of age-friendly environments, which is, according to AGE’s members, the most appropriate and sustainable response to ageing demography in Europe”, highlights Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Platform Europe Secretary-General.

Such a strategy would in particular underline the added value that older persons bring to society as a whole and enhance respect for the fundamental rights of older persons. AGE members insisted on the timely opportunity Member States have to seize to make use of the potential of population ageing in terms of economic growth, social justice and cohesion and, eventually, strengthened rights and responsibilities of all generations. Taking a rights-based approach, the EU strategy on demographic would help to achieve the following objectives:

  • Engage older people in economic recovery;
  • Enhance the protection of the fundamental rights of older people;
  • Support age-friendly environments through new investment and innovation at national, regional and local level;
  • Refocus Europe 2020 and the European Semester to address demographic change
  • Improve accessibility and promote design-for-all ;
  • Promote access to training and lifelong learning activities for all ages and
  • Ensure access to quality health and long-term care to live in dignity

AGE General Assembly Declaration also recommends a number of policy priorities, which should underpin this EU strategy.

Full press release.