European Roma Information Office: ERIO high level conference with local authorities

ERIO held its second conference in Brussels on the 27th November 2014 with local authorities. The aims of the conference were firstly, to identify the challenges to the effective implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies at the local level. Secondly, to discuss good practice examples of local authorities that have the potential to be effective in other countries. Finally, to discuss the role of civil society to overcome the challenges faced by local authorities. During the first panel, Axelle Cheney, (European Commission, DG Justice), stated that the Commission will now focus on the role of local authorities in achieving effective Roma social inclusion. She outlined three principle tools which could assist local authorities in this process. Firstly, the provision in the European Structural Fund that requires 20% of funds allocated to member states to be for social inclusion in the next programming period. Furthermore, she stated that next year the Commission will finance transnational cooperation between local authorities to improve Roma inclusion. Secondly, she emphasised the role of the Council recommendation on effective Roma integration measures. Every member state has committed to this recommendation which includes a specific section on the steps they should take to involve local authorities. Finally, she outlined the role of the national Roma contact points to assist in this process.

The discussion then moved to identifying practices of local authorities. Sergi Alegre Calero, Vice-Mayor of the municipality of El Prat de Llobregat, Catalonia, Spain discussed the steps the municipality had taken to improve the situation of Roma in San Cosme. He emphasised the role municipal pressure through regular inspections of public areas, health etc. had in achieving this. Furthermore, he emphasised the important role Roma participation had in this process. Ronald Lucardie, ERIO Board president concluded the conference by stressing the importance of establishing a continuing dialogue between local authorities and civil society.

Full press release.