AGE Platform Europe: Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity re-established!

Today [December 11], the European Parliament gave its final approval for the establishment of Intergroups. AGE Platform Europe warmly welcomes the re-establishment of the long-standing Intergroup that will deal with ageing and intergenerational solidarity and looks forward to working with Members of the European Parliament to help Europe address its demographic challenge in a positive way.

“The re-establishment of this long-standing Intergroup is a big success for older citizens and their organisations. We have been working hard with our member organisations across the EU to raise awareness among new MEPs and Commissioners on the need to address Europe’s demographic challenge in a way that is fair and sustainable for all generations,” said Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Secretary General, adding “AGE Platform Europe agrees with President Juncker’s acknowledgement that Europe has not done enough yet to address population ageing and we believe such an Intergroup will help the European Parliament voice older citizens’ concerns and recommendations in EU policy debates that seek to help member states address their demographic challenges.

Full press release.