Ensuring access to, and progression in quality employment in 2012 and 2013

In 2012, 10.7% of the EU population were without a job, revealing that unemployment has reached an historically high level. Current employment policies rely too much upon activation measures, and do not focus sufficiently upon the need to provide access to quality employment and a work-life balance framework. Employment policy measures taken in member states have created a two tier labour market with an increase of precarious jobs and the number of working poor.

Against this background, we delivered proposals on quality jobs, quality employment and on equality in employment for the effective implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy. We called upon member states and EU institutions not to forget the aspects of access to employment for the ones furthest away from the labour market, the issue of in-work poverty and equality in the discussions on growth and jobs.

At the informal EPSCO meeting of ministers of Employment and Social Affairs in April, we presented our proposals on how to achieve the sustainable inclusion of youth in education, society and employment and the effective implementation of the Youth Guarantee

During our bi-annual meeting with the European Parliament Employment and Social Affairs Committee in May, we discussed the social dimension of European economic governance, looking also at the implementation of the Europe 2020 employment target.

Looking forward to 2013

We will develop our proposals for the EU and member states to invest in the creation of quality and sustainable employment to counter the increase of precariousness, poor working conditions, labour market segmentation and in-work poverty and to guarantee decent wages and the right to work for people who are distant from the labour market. We will continue to promote the creation of quality employment to fight against precariousness and for impoverished workers for whom employment is no longer a way out of social exclusion. We will make specific recommendations so that Annual Growth Survey and Country Specific Recommendations give priority to quality employment for an inclusive development of the EU. The European Commission, the European Parliament, and the spring and June Councils will be addressed and asked to include our proposals in their final decisions. We will also mobilise our allies in the Spring Alliance to campaign with us for better and decent working conditions.