European Parliament votes to protect social aspects in the Annual Growth Survey 2015

Social Platform welcomes the adoption of the European Parliament report on the “European Semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects of the Annual Growth Survey”. The report, voted through the Parliament on 11 March, sets out the Parliament’s recommendations in the areas of employment and social affairs of the European Union’s Annual Growth Survey (AGS) 2015, which outlines what actions the EU can take to assist member states to achieve higher growth levels. The focus of the AGS 2015 ties in with the European Commission’s Investment Plan: it calls for support for investment, financial consolidation and responsibility and structural reforms.

During the debate on the report, the Parliament’s chief negotiator, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto MEP (Socialists & Democrats, Spain), highlighted the need not just for fiscal responsibility, but also social responsibility. He went on to call for economic growth to be brought in line with the European Social Model.

We have previously criticised the AGS 2015 as it fails to capitalise on the opportunity to invest in social policies that go beyond job creation and job access. Social investment is needed if we are to make a real difference to the situation of the 122.6 million people at risk of poverty or social inclusion in the EU.

The Gutiérrez Prieto report reflects many of our recommendations, including:

  • Calling for the European Commission to include a specialist on social policies in its expert committee of the new European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) that will approve projects to be funded.
  • Noting that investment plans for growth can only be successful if coupled with national reforms that support strong social protection systems.
  • Stressing that social considerations should be put on equal footing with economic considerations in the European Semester.
  • Calling for increased and structured involvement of civil society and both national and EU level so as to improve the legitimacy of the European Semester process by developing concrete guidelines for economic and social priorities.

Read the report here. The final version adopted by the Parliament will be posted as soon as it has been published.

 For further information please contact Herlinde Vanhooydonck, Policy & Advocacy Officer.