European Roma Information Office: Celebrating Roma culture and history as a part of European heritage

On the occasion of the International Roma Day on 8 April, the European Roma Information Office (ERIO) celebrates Roma culture, tradition, and identity and its contribution to European societies.

Romani literature, music and art, together with Romani traditions, language and history form an integral part of European heritage. On the International Roma Day, we should reflect on the place of Roma in Europe, their contributions to European societies, and what it means to be Roma. Roma identity is firmly rooted in tradition, but one must not focus on the stereotypical image of the Roma. Instead we should take this opportunity to realise how linked Roma culture and European cultures are. From the south of Spain to the east of Romania, the contribution of the Roma to European culture is undeniable.

However, we also need to confront reality; many Roma still live in extreme poverty, lack access to basic rights and face daily discrimination. Ivan Ivanov, Executive Director of ERIO, states: “The promotion of Roma identity should be a key horizontal principle of the National Roma Integration Strategies. Promoting Roma identity by raising awareness about Roma culture and history can help build intercultural dialogue and fight prejudices of Roma.” Better representation of Roma’s contribution to European history and culture can lead to empowerment and also to social inclusion of Roma. Measures aimed at improving Roma’s access to basic rights in different sectors should not do so at the cost of assimilation. On the contrary, Europe’s cultural diversity characterising European societies, is something to be valued, preserved and celebrated as a source of enrichment in building an accepting European Union (EU) where non-discrimination and respect for human rights prevails.

Full article.