Commissioner Thyssen to Social Platform: creating a fairer and more inclusive society

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On 5 May, European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs Marianne Thyssen shared some of her views with members of Social Platform on what she called “our joint task of creating a fairer and more inclusive society”. Speaking at our General Assembly, she voiced her commitment for creating a Europe with a ‘Triple A Social Rating’, which implies that the economic strengthening of our Union goes hand-in-hand with improving people’s lives. To achieve this, a fair and balanced growth is needed that leads to the creation of decent quality jobs and protection for all throughout their lifecycle.

Commissioner Thyssen is convinced that preserving the European Social Model requires reforming structures and modernising methods in order to withstand future shocks. She considers the social economy occupies a special place and deserves even more support to develop its potential and offer original and innovative answers to the European economic and social challenges and opportunities. In her view the Social Partners and the civil society have an essential role to play to make sure we get the right answers to today’s challenges, .

The Commission’s first priority is to get the economy back on a path of growth and create new and decent jobs. In the Commissioner’s view employment, education, social inclusion and the fight against poverty are all integral elements of Europe’s growth strategy and must stay high up on the political agenda. For her these Europe 2020 targets  remain of the utmost importance, but she considers the strategy needs a new approach. She said to be counting on us as representatives of the civil society to shape and implement the renewed commitment to be made.

Commissioner Thyssen refered to the introduction of social indicators in the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure as a tool to better balance social and economic governance. She mentioned the Commission is working towards a fairer Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) that fosters upward social convergence. The forthcoming ‘Four Presidents’ Report’ on deepening EMU should compound this link of further economic integration with social progress and solidarity.

Read the Commissioner’s full speech.