SOLIDAR: Council looks at the mid-term review of the Education and Training 2020 Framework

On 18 and 19 May the Education, Youth, Audiovisual, Culture and Sport Council discussed the achievements and future developments of European cooperation in education and training (“ET 2020”) that provides common strategic objectives for member states to further develop their education and training systems. The ministerial debate took place in the context of preparation of the 2015 Joint Report that has been developed on the basis of the last years’ mid-term review that engaged stakeholders in the process of evaluation of the state-of-play of the current framework, and identifying the upcoming challenges.

Ministers concluded that there is a need to focus on priorities with a clear European added value and synchronise the objectives of Education and Training 2020 and the broader Europe 2020 strategy to work towards sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs. This could be achieved by establishing a closer cooperation between education and training and employment sectors, recognising the role of quality education in promoting employability and investing in vocational education and training. In addition to this, ministers called for more efficient use of existing financial instruments such as Erasmus+ and the Youth Guarantee, as well as an increase in investment in education and training.

SOLIDAR particularly welcomes the outcome of the Council meeting that highlights the importance of the development of transversal skills and competences which stresses that “education cannot only be limited to finding a job. It should also promote personal development, critical thinking and active citizenship, focusing on European common values”. SOLIDAR, in its contribution to the EU2020 mid-term review consultation, has addressed the need for redirecting the focus on development of transversal competences of learners, with particular focus given to civic, social and intercultural competences, needed for participation in the constantly changing labour market and in society. Moreover, SOLIDAR desk study research conducted in 12 member states revealed that adult participation in lifelong learning and access to lifelong learning still remains an issue in many countries and results among the others from the decreased educational budget in some member states. Therefore SOLIDAR calls on the European Commssion to include in its 2015 Joint Report a recommendation to increase provisions on access and participation in lifelong learning for all.

Full article.