European Disability Forum: EDF reminds EU institutions that during this bickering people in Greece suffer

The European Disability Forum (EDF) would like to remind the European Union (EU) institutions and the governments of Europe, that while their heated discussions go on regarding the Greek default, the people of Greece are left in a limbo: ordinary people must survive without money, without jobs, without access to credit and with a completely unknown future.

Despite the stated ambitions of the programme of the “Troika” consisting of the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, Greece has seen a 25% decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) since this programme started. This depression has been having catastrophic consequences on the people of Greece. 60% of young people in Greece today are unemployed. Persons with disabilities have been also hit and fundamental rights that we have been fighting for for years are now at risk.

EDF extends its sincerest support to the people of Greece and sends a strong message to the EU institutions: this is the time to find solutions to ensure that the people of Greece and the Greek economy have the possibility to recover, not to be thrown into turmoil. The five Presidents of the EU (Commission, Council, Eurogroup, Parliament, and Central Bank) issued a report on 22 June “Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union” (EMU). In this report, just ten days ago they stated: “a complete EMU is not an end in itself. It is a means to create a better and fairer life for all citizens.”

It is time to rise above the current deadlock, show leadership, and find a path to economic recovery for Greece that does not make Greek people suffer further.

“The institutions and the EU governments should immediately come to grips with this unprecedented situation in Greece. The institutions should continue the negotiations with the Greek government and should make it clear that persons with disabilities and their families should not be hit more by the crisis. The future of Greece in the Eurozone is not only in the hands of the Greek governement and people but also in the hands of the institutions and the Eurozone governments. The principle of solidarity should immediately be applied,” says EDF President Yannis Vardakastanis.

Full article.