European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities: Revealed & Unveiled

The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) has officially opened the call for entries to participate in the Revealed & Unveiled Photo Competition, to present the work of service providers for persons with disabilities across Europe. The theme of this competition is conceptual and abstract. Photo submissions should present the role in society of organisations being of support for persons with disabilities.

In the run-up to its 20th anniversary, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) launches the photo competition Revealed & Unveiled. The photo competition wishes to highlight the work of service providers for persons with disabilities across Europe. The call for entries to the competition will be open until 27 March 2016. All entries should be submitted to, along with a brief description of the photo, author’s name, and the location where the photo was taken. The competition is open to all citizens and each participant may only enter one photo that must be provided in high resolution (high quality picture “300dpi”).

The selection of the 20 finalists will be based on the following criteria: quality of the picture, innovation, creativity and relevance to the competition theme. From April to May 2016, all submitted pictures will be available on Facebook and the picture receiving the most votes will be one of the finalists.

Out of the 20 finalist, a Jury will select the 3 final nominees. These 3 final nominees will be invited to Brussels, where a winner will be announced. The 20 best pictures will be part of a photo exhibition in Brussels in October 2016 and be art of the EASPD 20th anniversary Booklet. In addition the three finalists will receive a two-night trip to Brussels, be able to participate in all EASPD events for the 20th anniversary and they will have the opportunity to participate in an Art Workshop from EASPD’s network.

Full article.