European Anti-Poverty Network: EAPN’s response to the Annual Growth Survey & Joint Employment Report 2016

Following European Anti-Poverty Network’s (EAPN) proposals for the Annual Growth Survey (AGS) sent to President Juncker in October, and a press release at the end of last month upon its adoption, this paper sets out EAPN’s fuller response, based on discussions with members.

This response lays out EAPN’s view on the opportunities & concerns with the AGS package. It has been sent yesterday with a letter to President Juncker, distributed to other institutional actors.

Key messages are:

• Mainstream Europe 2020, the poverty target and an integrated strategy in the Semester, and clarify links to SDG goals.
• Promote social investment in people, quality services and social protection not austerity.
• Create quality jobs and support all groups through integrated active inclusion, without punitive conditionality.
• Back social rights and standards and ensure an adequate income throughout the life cycle, beyond employment.
• Develop obligatory guidelines, mapping and resources to support engagement of organised civil society at all stages in the Semester.

Read the full response here.

Full article.