COFACE: COFACE in mourning

It is with a great sense of loss that we as COFACE, the Confederation of Family Organisations representing Families in Europe, express our most sincere condolences to the families who have lost a loved one and those who are tending to their wounded following the terrorist attacks in Brussels.

Despite the shock and horror, we have witnessed exceptional acts of solidarity and kindness, people writing messages of love and peace in the heart of Brussels, ordinary citizens alongside taxi drivers and hotels offering their services to help anyone affected by the attacks. It is with such a spirit of solidarity that we must face present and future challenges, starting with the refugee crisis at our borders.

Europe is suffering a major humanitarian emergency. A large number of families are in distress at our borders and across our continent. Thousands of refugees continue risking their lives every day crossing the Mediterranean to reach Europe. In those difficult times, we realize how important solidarity is and how important humanitarian actions are.

COFACE spreads on this day a message of solidarity and support to our members all over Europe and all organisations, governments and citizens that support families in need or distress. We call our European leaders to take a serious commitment to action and make better use of this solidarity to help reach together a safer social Europe.

Full statement.