Welcoming Commissioner Pierre Moscovici to General Assembly 2016!

Yesterday [21 April] we held our 2016 General Assembly, and what an action-packed day it turned out to be!

The day started with us welcoming two new members to our ranks: the European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network and the Salvation Army EU Affairs Office. We look forward to collaborating with both members.

After a short caffeine kick we were joined by Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner responsible for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs. The BBC ‘Question Time’ style session saw members asking the Commissioner questions on a broad range of topics, including the Economic & monetary Union, the European Pillar of Social Rights and access to services for migrants. We hope that this marks the beginning of a meaningful dialogue between us and his Cabinet so that we can continue to work together to ensure that economic priorities don’t negatively impact social rights.

Members reconvened after lunch to participate in a series on workshops looking at the inner workings of Social Platform. Moderated by members of our Management Committee, the outcomes of the workshops led to a lot of suggestions for how to make us an even stronger leader in our sector.

We rounded off the General Assembly by electing a new Vice-President to join our Management Committee; Eszter Salamon, President of our member European Parents’ Association, has taken up this important position until the end of the current Management Committee’s mandate next year. We look forward to Eszter’s participation on our board, and hearing her represent the Platform at EU and national events.

Stay tuned to out Facebook, Twitter and Flickr accounts for photos of the General Assembly.