Experts call on the European Commission President to develop an action plan for social economy and social enterprises

Last week, the European Commission Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship (GECES), in which I represent Social Platform, called on the European Commission to develop a European Union action plan to strengthen EU support to social economy and social enterprises.

The EU is currently going through a particularly difficult period marked by the rise of populism and nationalism, distrust towards political institutions and the humanitarian crisis. It is now essential that the values upon the EU was founded – democracy, equality, solidarity and social cohesion – remain at the top of the European Commission’s agenda. This implies that the European institutions support social economy and social enterprises, which are economic actors that embed these values by nature.

There are four reasons why this sector is important.

Firstly, there is their economic dimension: social enterprises and social delivery are key parts of the economies of most Member States. In 2010, social economy provided work to 14.5 million Europeans and, according to the last estimate, it currently represents just 10% of jobs and 8% of the EU’s Gross Domestic Product.

Secondly, there is their direct impact on people, both those engaged and employed in social economy and social enterprises, and those whose disadvantage is addressed by it.

Thirdly, they encourage engagement with youths, who are surely the future of the EU and our world in which, across the EU and beyond, we see a demand for effective and efficient social business as a part of their lives.

Finally, this focus on the social gives us the best prospect of achieving measurable progress with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to which the EU is party.

This call echoes President Juncker’s personal willingness to see the EU dedicated to having a “triple-A” rating on social issues, as well as the conclusions of the Council of December 2015 promoting social economy as a key driver of economic and social development in Europe.

You can read the full letter here.