Nice attack and a clear need for more EU

It was midnight on 14 July in Bratislava where I was representing Social Platform with our President Jana at the informal meeting of ministers of Employment and Social Affairs: online newspapers started to relay the truck attack in Nice that killed more than 84 people and injured hundreds at the end of the French national day celebrating liberty, equality and fraternity. Unable to sleep and experiencing sorrow for all the victims and their families, I felt totally powerless being so far away from my country that I had left only 48 hours before. The comprehension process started the following morning when all ministers stood up for a minute of silence supporting the victims and declared that they stand “shoulder to shoulder with the French people”. It was comforting to hear them starting their interventions with a message of support to the victims and their relatives. European leaders were also showing solidarity to combat terrorism.

When I think that European Union leaders are still trying to figure out how to handle the consequences of the United Kingdom’s referendum and are wondering whether the EU should do less or more for its people, it seems clear to me that there is a need for more Europe; not only in the fight against terrorism after the Paris, Brussels and Nice Attacks. I am not the only one to say it.

A Eurobarometer report published just after the UK referendum shows that people in Europe want more Europe, including 82% of people who want more action from the EU on the fight against terrorism. What is also very interesting to me is that among the 15 priorities covered by the report were many that Social Platform works on: unemployment, tax fraud, migration, health and social security, gender equality and the promotion of democracy.

We are facing challenging times with great political turmoil to come. There is a clear need for a strong EU security agenda to fight terrorism. Although this must be a priority, citizens and Social Platform believe that many other changes are needed for a better future for all.

Let’s engage!

Pierre Baussand, Director