Ad-hoc Taskforce on Migration (Members only)

25 October, 14.00-16.30 at Social PlatformRegister here


14.00-14.10 Introductory remarks 

14.10-15.20 Safe passages to the EU

By end of this year Social Platform shall develop our messaging on safe passages (read my blog on the topic). This will serve as a stepping stone for our messages we will develop on the economic inclusion of migrants, focusing on low- and medium skilled workers.

  • Maria BRÄTTEMARK, Helene CALERS and Valeria SETTI, Policy Officer’s from DG Migration and Home Affairs (unit B1 Legal migration and integration), the European Commission will present the ‘Evaluation and Fitness Check Roadmap on Legal Migration’, so we better can understand the legislation up for review, and when civil society can influence the policy process.

15.20-15.30 Coffee/tea break

15.30-16.15 The social implications of the Asylum Packages

The European Commission has presented legislative revisions: Package 1 on the Dublin system and the Eurodac system, and Package 2 on the Asylum Procedures, the Qualification Dir., and the Reception Condition Dir. The proposals are now being discussed by the Council and the European Parliament, that has assigned rapporteurs for each file. Our invited guests will support us in identifying what social implications we should provide inputs to.

  • Judit TANCZOS, Legal Policy Analyst for the Integration and Anti-discrimination programmes at European Migration Policy Group will present MPGs analysis of the Qualification Directive and the Reception Conditions Directive.
  • Kris POLLET, Senior Legal & Policy Officer at the European Council on Refugees and Exiles will share ECRE’s main concerns on the Asylum Packages.
  • Maria GIOVANNA MANIERI, Advisor on migration and asylum for the Green Party in the European Parliament (participating on the phone from Strasbourg), will give an insight into some of the main concerns (relevant for Social Platform members) of the Asylum Package(s) that the European Parliament will be giving their views on.

16.15-16.25 AOB

16.25-16.30 Follow-up and closing remarks

Next meeting: 23 November, 14.00-16.30

Read more about our work on migration here.

Contact: Annica Ryngbeck