Caritas Europa: Injustice is not invincible!

“The problems I see is in the attitude of employers, i.e. [in offering] moonlighting jobs, employers prefer [temporary] contracts for services instead of regular employment contracts. They frequently offer no benefits or care for employee.” ~ A Caritas Czech Republic social worker

The newest Caritas publication “Social justice and equality in Europe – is possible! The Caritas roadmap” is launched today. It is Caritas Europa’s vision for resilient social models in Europe that provide for the well-being of all people. This vision is based on the analysis of social realities on the ground.

“We have the responsibility to liberate Europe from poverty. It is time for our states to act, putting the common good and the interests of the most deprived at the very centre of their action. Our new publication provides recommendations for decision makers that can help make social models more resilient and effective to fight poverty and social exclusion,“ said Jorge Nuño Mayer, Secretary General of Caritas Europa.

Only by changing societal structures that systematically exclude parts of the population can we reduce inequalities and poverty. Family, labour market and social protection policies are key in this respect. They are interdependent policy areas that can reinforce each other’s positive outcomes. According to Caritas, these three areas form the pillars on which resilient social models are built upon. Such models are able to cope with economic, social and demographic challenges.

The Caritas social model provides an integrated approach for improving the well-being of people. Caritas Europa’s recommendations can help design policies under the three key policy areas to effectively build solidarity and social cohesion. In particular, Caritas Europa recommends to:

  • Adopt a monthly child allowance; families with a low income should receive an increased amount of such allowance.
  • Ensure wage equality between women and men – equal pay for equal work.
  • Guarantee a means-tested minimum income that is above the poverty line.
  • Protect basic social rights by integrating them as human rights into national constitutions.
  • Use the Stability and Growth Pact’s flexibility clause to allow EU Member States to exempt social investment from the calculation of national budgetary expenditure.

Full article.