European Anti-Poverty Network: Delivering on the promises of a better Social Europe?

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) presents its analysis of the 2017 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) and Joint Employment Report. This follows EAPN’s letter to President Juncker presenting its proposals for the AGS 2017, which were based on its members’ review of the European Semester and the national reform programmes (NRPs) 2016.

Although the main message from the AGS 2017 is the importance of strengthening competitiveness, innovation and productivity as part of Europe’s economic recovery, EAPN welcomes the support given to promote ‘social fairness’ as a means to deliver more ‘inclusive growth’ and “achieve an economic recovery that benefits all, notably the weaker parts of our societies, and strengthens fairness and social dimension”.

However, the lack of explicit mention of the European Pillar of Social Rights however, and the repetition of almost the same three priorities as in 2014 and 2015: 1) boosting investment, 2) pursuing structural reforms and 3) ensuring responsible fiscal policies, with no explicit social priority, raises serious concerns about whether this marks a real change in the EU’s overall economic approach, or if it will just be business as usual.

In order for these ‘good intentions’ to be put into practice – five signs must be given:

  1. Prioritise Inclusive Growth by rebalancing economic and social objectives.
  2. Increase social investment in quality jobs, public services and social protection.
  3. Mainstream the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights explicitly through the European Semester.
  4. Develop an integrated EU poverty strategy to deliver on the Europe 2020 poverty target.
  5. Make civil society equal partners at national and EU level.

EAPN is hosting a seminar, together with Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto (MEP S&D), on 12 January 2017: Can the Semester help build a better Social Europe? See more information here.

Read the analysis here.

Full article.