Getting ready for the EU Presidency in Luxembourg: Networking & Conference 2-3 June

Social Platform has built alliances between European and national civil society organisation’s to join forces to influence the upcoming EU Presidency since 2002. Each Presidency we deliver joint messages on what social priorities the EU Presidency should take into account.

On 2-3 June we are going to Luxembourg. On the first day European and Luxembourgish NGOs will meet to prepare our messages ahead of our conference on the second day, 3 June. At the Conference our keynote speaker will be Mr Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy. We will also invite other prominent speakers to our panel debate about he social priorities of the Presidency.

Our messages will evolve around four areas that will be on the agenda of the Luxembourgish Presidency: 1) Social economy, 2) Social investment, 3) the Social dimension of the European Economic and Monetary Union and 4) Equal treatment. Read more and see the agenda’s:

Please spread the word to your colleagues and friends in Luxembourg. Please register online for both or selected days by the latest 15 May!

(Representatives of the European umbrella organisations in Brussels, please contact me (Annica) before registration)

In the end of 2014 we visited Riga for a successful networking and conference with the Latvian NGOs. We delivered four messages: 1) social investment should be an economic priority, 2) the EU funds used to achieve the aims of the Europe 2020 Strategy, 3) services across the EU should comply with the principle of affordability, accessibility, quality, universality, availability and accountability, and 4) in order for local and national NGOs to contribute to European solutions they need financial support to enable their involvement. You can watch a short video about our event here.

For further questions and information please contact me (Annica).


Hope to meet in Luxembourg!